Le Salon de Musique
Jean-Michel Renard à Bellenaves, en France

Bellenaves is a village in the Auvergne, with a Roman chruch, château, village square and weekly market. During the second world war, collections of musical instruments from the Paris Conservatoire Museum were hidden here.
Between the forest and the lake is Fontenille. Somber manor house, fortified in the XIVth century, the openings were enlarged at the start of the XVIIth century. Jehan de Fontenil was counselor to the king and “maître des eaux et forêts” in the Bourbonnais. Although partly destroyed it has been gradually restored, and now is once again a place of music…

Serpent et serpents militaires du second Empire.
The Music Salon, specializing in the field of historic, rare or curious instruments, began in 1982. It developed through the kind attention of musicians, collectors, museums and lovers of beautiful things.
For around forty years, the Music Salon has provided instruments to public or private collections specializing in the field of musical arts. Whether in Europe, America, Asia or Africa.
The missions carried out concern the research of objects and documents on music as well as the expertise of instruments, the implementation of collections, the study of exhibitions and museographic projects.
We have worked to The Philharmonie Museum (Paris) / the Museum of Popular Music (MUPOP, Montluçon) / the University of Edinburgh Museum / the Museum of Musical Instruments (MIM. Brussels) / Hessisches Landesmuseum (Kassel) / Carl Bechstein Stiftung (Berlin), Kloster Sankt Sang & Museum der Stadt Füssen. / The Metropolitan Museum (New York), the Museum of Fine Art, (MFA, Boston), the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the National Music Museum (Vermillion), the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM. Phoenix), the Marlowe Sigal Collection ( Greenville), the Joe Utley Foundation (Spartanburg), Cantos Music Museum Foundation (Calgary), Glinka Museum (Moscow), Chi Mei Culture Foundation, Taiwan / K.H.S. Musical Center, Taiwan / Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Australia) / The European Parliament, the Ministries of Culture of France, India, Russia, Qatar, Korea…

TEFAF Maastricht 2023